Who is the curriculum for?

This curriculum is designed for individuals who are working with or advocating on behalf of children with disabilities in special education matters, including:

  • Chapters of The Arc
  • Non-attorney advocates not affiliated with The Arc
  • Parents and other family members
  • Educators and related services providers
What does the curriculum include?

The Arc@School’s Advocacy Curriculum includes eight (8) modules on the following topics:

  • Module 1: Building a Foundation for Advocacy
  • Module 2: IDEA and Early Intervention Services
  • Module 3: IDEA and Special Education Services
  • Module 4: Anatomy of an IEP
  • Module 5: Procedural Safeguards
  • Module 6: Section 504
  • Module 7: Educational Records
  • Module 8: Advocacy Skills

The modules are each roughly an hour long and include:

  • Pre-test
  • Listening guide
  • Narrated video presentations
  • Post-test
  • Additional resources
How much does the curriculum cost?

The curriculum is available at no cost for chapters of The Arc.

The cost of the curriculum is $99 for all others.

How do I access the curriculum?

The curriculum is a self-paced, online training curriculum, which means you can access the training when it best fits your schedule!

Chapters of The Arc can request access here. Parents, professionals, and others can sign up here.

Once you have an account, access the curriculum here.

Users are expected to be able to complete the curriculum in less than six (6) months. If you have not completed the curriculum within the six-month timeframe, you will need to email [email protected] to request additional access.

What happens when I complete the curriculum? Can I use it for CEUs?

Once you have completed the entire curriculum, you will receive a certificate of completion and will be given access to all of the curriculum materials on The Arc@School’s website.

The certificate of completion does not guarantee earning of continuing education credits, because every state, school district, and professional organization has its own standards and requirements. Contact your state education agency, local school district, or professional organization to determine whether the curriculum will be accepted for professional development.